Distance Learning
Sharpen Your Skills And Grow Your Practice
You have attended a massage therapy school or Pilates or yoga training or another mind-body establishment. Now how do you take your skills and your passion and generate the revenue you deserve?
Mind-body and bodywork professionals all over the world can now get NAMASTA’s cutting-edge distance learning courses to enhance their business success with leaders in our fields.
As you take any course, you will get expert advice from the comfort of your own chair. Choose among these exclusive courses:
- Tai Chi: How To Be A Successful Tai Chi Teacher
- Retreats: How to Organize a Successful Retreat
- Massage: Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business
- Marketing / Massage: Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists
- Marketing: How to Grow Your Business By Focusing On Women
- Holistic Health: $500 off your whole health education
1. BESTSELLER: How to Be A Successful Tai Chi Teacher

Are you a struggling Tai Chi teacher who sees your classes shrink from week to week?
Are you an experienced Tai Chi teacher who is looking for a fresh way to interact with your students?
Would you like to get answers now from a world authority on teaching Tai Chi?
In How to be a Successful Tai Chi Teacher, the inspiring guide for Tai Chi and Qigong professionals, Bill Douglas shares his secrets to building a prosperous and rewarding Tai Chi and Qigong teaching practice.
Bill Douglas is the 2009 Internal Arts Hall of Fame Inductee (American Association of Internal Arts); and was recipient of the 2007 Extraordinary Service in the Field of Qigong Award (National Qigong Association). Bill is also the founder of World T’ai Chi & Qigong Day, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on April 26, 2008. Bill has been commissioned to teach Tai Chi & Qigong for many of the world’s largest corporations, and in 2009 to present for the US Department of Health & Human Service’s National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C.
Bill says that his book will give you…”an insight into ways to take what you are already teaching to the next level, by making your T’ai Chi and Qigong more pleasurable … tangible … meaningful … expansive … and fun for your students — no matter what style you are teaching.”
And Bill Douglas now makes How to be a Successful Tai Chi Teacher available to you, exclusively as a downloadable e-book via NAMASTA University. The feedback has been stellar, see for example this one from Australia:
About 200 pages, this e-book is sent to you in segments, with the first one sent to you as you order now.
Your e-book on How to be a Successful Tai Chi Teacher has been the main reason for my success.
I am looking forward to the next few months where I will be expanding more into the community and offering Tai Chi, Qigong and Yi Quan to more and more people.
Your words echo so true when you talk about being authentic and to enjoy your teaching. Thanks once again!
NAMASTA Members: You are entitled to a 10% discount on this manual. Log in to your member account, and visit the Member Discounts and Privileges section or call us at 1-877-626-2782 (Toll-Free in the US and Canada).
Bill Douglas is also the best-selling author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tai Chi and Qigong and many other books and DVDs that make the art accessible to all. His other accolades include the 2005 Leadership Award Winner (National Tai Chi Chuan Association); 2005 Media Excellence in the Field of Qigong Award (World Congress on Qigong); and the 2007 Lou Gehrig Hero Award recipient (ALS Association).
2. BESTSELLER: How to Organize a Successful Retreat
Annalisa Cunningham now shares her successful retreat secrets. She has been a retreat organizer for 30 years and she wrote best sellers on mind-body practices and “Yoga Vacations: a Guide to International Yoga Retreats“. In this fun 6-week e-mail course, she takes you through all the steps required to make your retreat a success. This course is designed for those wanting to learn the basics of retreat planning.
Annalisa reveals:
- how to choose the best location for your retreat
- how to market your retreat and get participants
- how to make sure things will run smoothly
- and much more…
See more info and the bonuses you get when you order How To Organize A Successful Retreat
NAMASTA Members: You are entitled to a 10% discount on this manual. Log in to your member account, and visit the Member Discounts and Privileges section or call us at 1-877-626-2782 (Toll-Free in the US and Canada).
3. Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business
- Just starting out and don’t know where to get your first client?
- Or are you an experienced professional therapist with wear and tear issues?Then you should get your hands on this unique method to help your massage business be successful.This best-selling massage therapy business book was written by Amy Roberts, the highly successful massage therapist who shares her recipes for building and growing your bodywork practice. Amy Roberts reveals:
- three techniques to chart the success of your therapy business
- the mindset of the most successful massage therapists in the world
- key pricing tips
- the secret of gaining years of experience in just one hour. This short cut will save years of stress
- how to get clients to call immediately
- the single most important asset in your massage practice – not 1% of therapists know this
- and many more massage business success tips
This practical book saves you hundreds of dollars of mistakes, marketing training and consultant’s fees.
for only $139.97
4. Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists
After 15 years of experience in building a massage practice of over 3000 clients and hiring ten staff, Amy Roberts, the author of Ignite your Massage Therapy Business, reveals her secrets in a guidebook. In the easy-to-read 108-page book, Amy Roberts walks you through how you should about designing, placing and using:
- Client Referrals
- Word of Mouth Advertising
- Corporate Massage
- Newspaper Advertising
- Business Cards
- Shows and Exhibits
- Web Sites
- Leaflets and Brochures
- And Much More in this information packed e-book
for only $112.97
5. How to Grow Your Business By Focusing On Women
Did you know? Purchases by women now total trillions of dollars annually, accounting for roughly 80% of all consumer expenditures.
Most mind-body businesses in particular rely on female clients for their survival. So, reaching out to women more effectively should be the number one priority for your business.
How to Grow Your Business By Focusing On Women helps mind-body business owners like you see their brands through a woman’s eyes, unlocking the secrets to developing products, services, and marketing strategies that truly resonate with female buyers.
The course was developed by Andrea Learned, the expert on marketing to women and Pilates teacher. It is based on her best-selling book on the marketing to women.
Andrea Learned walks you through an easy step-by-step process to grow your business and gives you practical examples and reminders to assimilate the material. She also shows you how to avoid common traps.
More info on the course that shows you how to market to women.
8-week class delivered by e-mail,
The first class is delivered to you today as you buy the course now.
NAMASTA Members: You are entitled to a 10% discount on this manual. Log in to your member account, and visit the Member Discounts and Privileges section or call us at 1-877-626-2782 (Toll-Free in the US and Canada).
6. Get $500 off your whole health education
Add holistic health to your repertoire of skills and knowledge.
The National Institute of Whole Health in Wellesley, MA, gives NAMASTA members access to their Whole Health Education career and practice enhancement programs at a substantial discount:
- Whole Health Counseling certification
- Whole Health Skills training for Body Workers
- CEUs for Health Care Professionals
What Mind-Body Professionals Say:
“The program was phenomenal, full of so much information and knowledge. The most significant thing for me was being able to truly understand how everything is connected to everything else.”
“Coming to this program was like ‘adding another layer to the onion’ to enhance all that I practice, and adding the finishing touches to fine tune myself and the client contacts I have daily. I am so looking forward to the second year!“
NAMASTA Professional Members get $500 off any program from the National Institute of While Health (Associate Members get $200 off). To become a member of NAMASTA, call Member Services at 1-877-626-2782 (1-877-NAMASTA) or sign up online. If you are not yet a member, follow this link for details and an introductory discount only available here on National Institute of Whole Health education programs.